Vesak Day 2021

Pal Buddhist School held its first celebration of the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha at our Leppington campus on Saturday the 29th of May.

It was a joyful day of unity as monastics from all different schools of Buddhism joined our community as students of the Buddha in the blessed presence of the Buddha's relic. 

We humbly thank all the monastics, guests and members of our Pal community who helped make our Vesak Day a harmonious community occasion.

It was a proud day in history for Pal Buddhist School and the first of many auspicious gatherings to come at Leppington.

Vesak Day Program Highlights

Our program included performances and presentations from our students on Buddhist stories and teachings, the blessed presence of a Buddha's relic, Dana and almsgiving to monastics, and our traditional foot-washing ceremony.

Dhamma Talk

The Buddha praised the opportunity to listen to Dhamma teachings from monks as one of life’s greatest blessings.

Dhamma talks are integral to Vesak celebrations and involve public discourses on Buddhism by various Buddhist teachers.

Vesak 2021 involved discussions of Sigālovāda Sutta, commonly referred to as the code of disciplines for the layperson. Sigālovāda Sutta provides guidance to laypeople on the step to leading a happy, peaceful and progressive life.


Puja is a Pali word, which means "honour, worship and devotional attention". Puja involves making offerings of candles, flowers and fruits, chanting of the Suttas, meditation and prayer.

Puja is known as devotional practice and allows Buddhists to express their gratitude to the Buddha and his teachings.

The Buddha's Relics

After his death, the Buddha was cremated and his ashes divided among his followers.

These relics are said to incite blessings, a stronger connection to the dhamma, and a sense of serenity for those who come to experience the Buddha's unseen presence.

Dana and Almsgiving

The act of Dana and almsgiving have been practised by Buddhists for thousands of years. They are equated with developing generosity and the belief that generous acts will bring about peace and happiness.

Dana is often perceived as giving laypeople the opportunity to make merit. This occurs when laypeople prepare and place food and water in a monk's alms bowl. Once food and water have been placed inside the bowl, the monk will place the lid on top of their alms bowl and recite a prayer as a blessing to their donor.

Like all good deeds, the act of giving brings greater happiness and peace in the future in accordance with the Buddha's teachings of the kammic law of cause and effect.

Foot Washing Ceremony

Our Foot Washing Ceremony aims to foster the values of respect, gratitude and humility. It gives students a meaningful way of honouring and respecting the great teachers in their lives.

Students display appreciation through this ceremony by washing the feet of parents, grandparents, or teachers. Foot washing is also an ancient act of piety for the monastics and priests.

Vesak Day 2021 Acknowledgements

We humbly thank the Salvation and Cambodian Culture Association of NSW for arranging the blessed presence of the Sacred Relic of the Buddha at our Vesak event. 

Our Vesak Day 2021 event was made possible with thanks to the following people who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes:

Event Volunteers

Venerable Tep Vuthy - Venue Setup & Event Advisor

Venerable Logn Phally - Venue Setup

Venerable Bun Heng - Venue Setup

Mrs Kim Sean Pal - Venue Setup

Mr Min Pheakdey - Venue Setup

Mrs Jenny Banhgiang - Florist

Mrs Sue Lam - Florist

Mr Li Zaihua - Florist 

Mrs Lin Liping - Florist

Mrs Lu Zhang - Parent Volunteer

Mrs Vong Rith - Helper

Mrs Pen Lek - Helper

Mrs Tauch Chanbopha - Helper

Mrs Phanya Oung - Helper

Mrs Savoeun Prum - Helper

Mrs Non Heng - Helper

Mrs Sokhaon Hodgetts - Helper

Cambodian Living Arts and Culture of NSW Inc. - Traditional Khmer Dance 

Pal Buddhist School Staff

Mr Panha Pal - Event Advisor

Ms Helen Lam - Event Advisor

Bodhidasa - MC, Performances, Artworks

Mr Freddy Lu - Venue Setup and Catering

Mr Hans Wei - Video, Photo, Marketing, Volunteers

Mr Jack Tran - Venue Setup and Volunteers

Mr Allan Hayes - Venue Setup

Mr Eugene Lu - Venue Setup

Mr Josh Sawtell - Stage Manager, Audio & Visual

Ms Rashmita Kaur - VIPs and Monastics

Ms Zoe Shaw - Sigala Cube and Primary Performance

Ms Yongfei Li - Sigala Cube and Artworks

Dr Tony Chung - Sigala Cube

Mr Galen Neubronner - Logistics and A&V Assistant

Mr Brad Horner - Logistics & Student Management

Mr Jimmy D’Alessio - Floor Manager Assistant

Mr Jacky Tong - Catering Assistant

Ms Kelly Lam - Graphics

Mrs Sovandane Hor - Guest Administration

Our Vesak Day 2021 event was made possible with thanks to all our student volunteers:

Service to Monastics

Aaron Vuong

Ana Tran

Birdy Khekleang

Brian Luong

Eric Tiet

Gracie Tamrakar

Laksmy Sokhorn

Lucas Phu

Niwatey San

Ronald Tiet

Shing E

Tiani Tang

Vicky Vo

Visnu Sokhorn


Allan Huynh-Tang

Caitlin Sher

Kawyaa Hettiarachchi

Kayla Sher

Huy Luong

Marissa Chea

Naliza Sophal

Prathini Hettiarachchi

Ronald Tiet

Sievkech Koeng

Sokphallyka Sao

Visnu Sokhorn

Catering Team

Andrew Korm

Evelyn Thai

Janesa Pal

Kevin Nguyen

Kim Ngoc Hong

Le Cheng Zhu

Morrison Ho

Natalie Tran

Ratana Vong

Foot-Washing Preparations

Cynthia Jin (Alumni)

Jeslyn Pal

Joseph Ameer

Nhu Y Tran

Nicolas Lee

Oscar Li

Xavier Tang

Drama Performers

Anuk Ranaweera

Ethan Kou

Hannah Khom

Hector Tran

Jack Hak

Jaden Hoang-Ngo

Jocelyn Luong

Kevin Nguyen

Linda Chi

Prime Lyn

Trivyahn Nguyen

Tyson Phan

Vincent Tran

Xavier Tang

Reception Team

Anael Ashok Kumar

Anjelena Tran

Chuhua Lei

Jeslyn Pal

Leo Zhu

Lily Chhang

Prime Lyn

Quy Phu Bui

Tyrese Kim

Photo and Video Team

Caitlin Sher

Jayden Jin

Kayla Sher

Lanny Duong (Alumni)

Audio & Visual Team

Cecilia Truong

Marissa Chea

Gift Giving Team

Anjelena Tran

Birdy Khekleang

Kelly Tran

Oscar Li

Patrick Nguyen

Ren Jie Hum

Guest Management

Amelia Bui

Anael Ashok Kumar

Brian Luong

Chancy Lyn

Cynthia Jin (Alumni)

Dominic Tran

Lucas Phu

Nobphasok Takaew

Quy-Huan Nguyen-Phuoc (Alumni)

Contact Pal Buddhist School

Contact us today to find out how our school can help your child succeed:

Phone: +612 9755 7778

School Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 5.00pm

Pal Buddhist School

14 First Avenue, Canley Vale, NSW, Australia 2166

Contact Pal

+612 9755 7778

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