#95 in the 2022 HSC &
#2 in % of students achieving 95+ ATAR
An excellent accolade in the 2022 HSC Exams as we finished #95 out of 1034 HSC Schools in NSW. With those results, Pal Buddhist School ranked #2 in the percentage of students achieving 95+ ATAR.

#18 in South-West Sydney in 2022 NAPLAN HSC
Interviewed by our local charter from News.com.au, Pal Buddhist School's Pal Primary ranked 18th in the wider catchment from Strathfield to Campbelltown.
#1 in region in 2019 NAPLAN
Reported by the Daily Telegraph, the performance across our NAPLAN grades in 2019 (Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9) outperformed primary and high schools in the Fairfield City region - an outstanding result for our Pal Primary which began their operations in 2018.

Integrating Dhamma into the curriculum
Incorporating Dhamma as a compulsory subject from Year 3 through 12, our school leaders meticulously curated lessons that present the Buddha's teachings in both theoretical and practical format that allows the students to develop a profound understanding of their inclinations and to cultivate the ethical principles to be followed in life.
80% of Year 12 receiving early offers and scholarships
On average, 80% of our Year 12 cohort receives an early offer or scholarship. This achievement is largely attributed to the myriad of leadership opportunities provided at our school that develop key skills and experiences that universities and scholarship committees recognize and value.

Expansion of our entities
Since opening its doors in 2013 for Year 7-12, Pal Buddhist School quickly broadened its horizons in 2014 by being registered as a CRICOS school (international students). The school's commitment to quality education led to the establishment of Pal Primary institution in 2018, further expanding our community.
Purchase of our first campus: Leppington
As the first Buddhist school in NSW for Years 3-12, Mr Panha Pal's goal is not only to build a prestigious educational institution in our first-owned Leppington campus, but also to create a blueprint of a Buddhist school for others to do the same.