Our Training Grounds

Pal Buddhist School holds a deep belief in not only imparting academic knowledge but also in the holistic development of individuals through the principles of wisdom, morality, and discipline. Our school seamlessly integrates Buddhist philosophy and the Dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha, into our daily educational practices. This integration serves as a means to guide our students in nurturing moral conduct, virtuous character, and profound wisdom in honour of the timeless teachings established by the Buddha 2500 years ago.

However, students don't merely acquire an intellectual and theoretical understanding of these values; they are provided with opportunities to put these teachings into action. These opportunities manifest as intentional "training grounds," a concept deeply rooted in the Buddha's Eightfold Noble Path and emblematic of a journey to become Dhamma Warriors. Within these training grounds, our students actively engage in activities that challenge their capabilities, fostering the development of wholesome leadership qualities and instilling a sense of selflessness and joy. We maintain a culture of openness, honesty, and authenticity, allowing our students to comprehend the consequences of their actions, words, and intentions through our moral codes of conduct.

Our Training Grounds

RIGHT understanding

Right Understanding is an initiative aimed at enhancing students' comprehension of current national and global news. This program's objective is to foster productive thought and speech among students, offering both short and long-term benefits. In the long-term, students will develop a deeper understanding of human morality and gain insights into global issues, while in the short-term, they will be better prepared to engage with academic content at school, which frequently references general knowledge and current affairs.

RIGHT thinking

In the context of our debating competition, Right Thinking, students harness the power of debating as a mean to instill the values of self-reflection once students have cultivated the Right View. Whilst debating develops soft skills such as eloquence, wit and persuasion, students have to dwell into the motives underpinning their objectives in the debate. Our aim is to foster intentions rooted in generosity and goodwill while dissuading covetous or harmful inclinations driven by ill-will. When our students can eloquently articulate and deeply appreciate their virtuous intentions for pursuing their goals, their sense of purpose becomes more profound. 

RIGHT speech

At Pal Buddhist School, we impart the essence of Right Speech through the art of public speaking. In our prestigious public speaking competition, students delve into moral quandaries, applying their understanding and thinking to craft speeches that are not only clear and truthful but also uplifting and devoid of harm. We foster an environment where their words are channeled toward the betterment of society and the world at large. By instilling in them the practice of truthful, meaningful, unifying, and goodwill-infused speech, we guide our students toward the path of becoming compassionate and wholesome leaders who will benefit all sentient beings. 

RIGHT action

Our Creative and Performing Arts Competition serves as a platform to instill the principles of Right Action in our students. We emphasise that achieving our desired outcomes necessitates the embodiment of right actions. With passion invested in their performances, our students undergo diligence and discipline, driven by the selfless joy of bringing smiles to their audience. We guide our students to understand that these actions are cultivated throughout the journey, nurturing compassionate actions aimed at alleviating the suffering of fellow beings and encouraging generous deeds driven by goodwill and loving-kindness.

RIGHT livelihood

Right Livelihood at Pal Buddhist School is exemplified through our cooking competition, which fosters responsibility, accountability, discipline, and integrity in its process. This family-involved activity requires students to learn from their elders, refining their culinary skills at home to proudly present their dishes to their peers and teachers. We help our students understand that the way they live their lives is a demonstration of their thinking, intentions, words, and actions. By following the path of Right Livelihood, living a life of benevolence, and refraining from harming others in their everyday lives, our students demonstrate their commitment to virtuous values. This competition serves as a tangible way for our students to practice and embody the principles of Right Livelihood, extending its impact far beyond the competition itself.

RIGHT effort

Right Effort at Pal Buddhist School finds its embodiment in the very culture of sports. We believe that cultivating Right Effort is not merely a theoretical concept but a practical aspect of character development. In our school, sports serve as a powerful medium through which students learn to apply diligence, determination, and perseverance. With an array of CDSSA and externally organised opportunities, our sports program is designed to instill the values of hard work, discipline, and resilience. We encourage our students to set clear goals, both in their academic pursuits and on the sports field. They learn that success in any endeavour, be it scoring well in an exam or winning a sports competition, requires consistent effort and dedication.

RIGHT mindfulness

Right Mindfulness is embodied in our whole-school cleaning initiative at Pal Buddhist School. This program is designed to instill discipline, tranquility, and peace of mind while fostering qualities such as loving-kindness, selfless joy, and meticulousness. Mindfulness, in this context, means being acutely aware of one's thoughts, feelings, actions, and words in the present moment. We encourage our students to cultivate mindfulness as they navigate their unique life journeys. This practice helps them appreciate the progress they've made, reflect on the outcomes of their past choices, understand the challenges they've encountered, and prepare for what lies ahead in the future. By integrating mindfulness into their daily lives through activities like cleaning, our students learn to be more present, self-aware, and considerate of their actions, promoting personal growth and emotional well-being.

RIGHT mastery

Our academic acceleration program at Pal Buddhist School is a privilege granted to students who demonstrate the qualities cultivated in our aforementioned Noble Eightfold Path. Students who have displayed excellent moral conduct will be given a unique opportunity to excel academically. This is our Right Mastery training ground. A student who has attained ultimate concentration possesses the ability to clear their mind of distractions and focus intently on achieving a single desired outcome. Our academic acceleration program empowers students to set higher standards for themselves, encouraging them to reach for loftier ambitions. Through this program, they learn to prioritise what is truly essential for their continued growth and progress toward their academic and personal goals.

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